Detail recenze: Hotel Kiwengwa Beach Resort

  Tanzanie, Zanzibar, Kiwengwa


Hello, my experience is terrible! We paid for accommodation in Zanzibar in two different resorts. Unfortunately, due to the pregnancy, which turned out to be risky, we could not fly, which I had confirmed by the doctor. Communication with the first resort Mapenzi Diamonds (near Kiwengva resort) was very nice. They were so kind and they refund the money. :) But the experience with the Kiwengwa beach resort is not good at all. :( They decided not to give us any money back. They offered us a credit that we can use up to a year, but I do not understand how they imagine that, when I am going to be still 4 months pregnant and then traveling with a little baby 14 hours by plane is not so easy. Also, because of my husband's work, this was really the only time we could travel. So returning money was really the only option. I wrote it all to them, but they don't care at all. So if you pay for your stay here in advance and something bad happens to you, you will lose all your money here :) Looking forward to visit Zanzibar in the future, but definitelly not going to stay in Kiwengwa beach resort.


I don’t know

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Lucie Němcová
Lucie Němcová
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222 200 610
dnes 8–19 h