Detail recenze: Nill Hotel Garni

  Rakousko, Tyrolsko, Hippach


od 748 Kč/os
Cozy room !

Fotografie od autora recenze


The pension is ranked as 2*, but the design inside (rooms, bathroom) is of a 4*. (They are not ranked as 3* just because they don't have an elevator.)

Strava a stravování

Great quality-price for 7 nights! I had gluten-free diet and they provided food accordingly. The bread was delicious. Great tea too & fresh vegetables! The only minus is that they offered only pork specialties as meat. (no chicken / turkey).

Vybavení, služby a personál

Again the rooms were very cozy, the owner friendly and helpful (ok she didn't know some of the things, which I eventually asked @ the Information center or in another Hotel - bigger one) The young owner speaks very good English. The elder one only German.

Sjezdovky, lyžařské tratě a vleky

I haven't used the cable-cars. However they looked great from what I could see (Penken and Ahorn ). There is a discount (I think 10%) with the GuestCard. The village bus offers 50% discount for rides (instead of 2 euros/journey, it costs 1euro).

Okolí hotelu

Great green surroundings !!! Was like a marvel...really

Celkový dojem

The most amazing place in my entire stay was Olpererhuette - and the best of all my trips so far (after Matterhorn :) in Swiss ). There is a direct bus from Maryrhofen. The best is to take the first bus - in order to have time to enjoy the surroundings in Schleigeis. The lake's water was stunningly clear, the mountains had snow far on the top, the trail to the top of the mountain (at 2389 m) was amazing, great view, flowers,....; For hiking lovers this is Paradise. Then there is also the famous bridge next to the Olpererhuette, above the waterfall, with a great view down to the lake. Also next to the hut, there were few goats, chickens …; Was the first time for me to see that at such high altitude :). For animal lovers, like me :), the presence of little goats were a delight. They are friendly, they let me caress them (in comparison with the ones next to the Melchboden hut - there are few baby goats there, but less friendly. I think they are not used with strangers). Take into account that the hiking takes around 3H upwards, and 2h downwards.

Hotel vhodný pro:

  • Mládež
  • Všechny
  • Odpočinek
  • Páry

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Lucie Němcová
Lucie Němcová
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