Detail recenze: Hotel Royal Brayka Beach Resort

  Egypt, Marsa Alam


I have been here 8 times and the last time the food is worse every year and I am not picky, but I have not experienced anything worse except the disgusting behavior of a pensioner from the Czech Republic who is only looking for problems, the staff is kind and friendly, the sea is beautiful, but the hotel does not respect the people who are here many times and leave it bullied by the old man Brayk never again and I loved her



Strava a stravování


Vybavení, služby a personál


Pláž a moře

Okolí hotelu

Celkový dojem


Hotel vhodný pro:

  • Obchodní cesty

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Neváhejte nás kontaktovat

Lucie Němcová
Lucie Němcová
S výběrem nebo nákupem
zájezdu vám pomohu
565 656 610
dnes 11.30–18.30 h